There are two ways I can teach you to love obstacles both outside as well as in life in general.
Ancient wisdom tells us: “as within so without” or in modern words
“as inside so outside”.
What does it mean? Facing obstacles and fears inside and outside amounts to the same challenge.
Once you are not afraid anymore, neither obstacles in the streets nor in day to day life can scare you!
The opposite is the case. You start to embrace obstacles literally and enjoy the process of dealing with them.
You don’t even need to overcome them as in parkour.
Even playing around with obstacles and literally dancing with them is empowering.
I show that in my unique yopada (yoga-parkour-dance) approach.
The whole world is a playground. Start in your neighborhood.
Just go with the flow or even better be flow like water.
I offer open training every Sunday at 10AM at Campus Rütli in Berlin Neukölln.
Obstacles Are Opportunities! Overcome Your Fears!

Parkour for adults – 10 years in 10 hours.
Intensive course on four days
Are you watching parkour and freerunning videos on YouTube and Instagram?
Do you often think: “I could never do that!”? Wrong!
- People who jog don’t have to run a marathon
- People who practice yoga do not need to do a one-arm handstand
- People who train parkour don’t have to flip from roof to roof
Only those who want it go that far.
Parkour is simply the natural way to move around all kinds of obstacles.
Sadly most people have forgotten how it feels to perform easy jumps.
Others have never learned it or were deterred during physical education in school.
Many often experience fear and are stiffened and weakened due to the wide spread “sedentary lifestyle”. I was for sure.
Parkour for adults
Yes, even adults who are older than 20, 30, 40 or more years can learn fundamental parkour techniques.
Personally I train parkour since my mid thirties. That’s 10+ years ago by now.
So I am 50 now and still train parkour, do ecstatic dance and practice my “own” flow movement method called yopada.
Before parkour I was overweight and couldn’t walk pain free for 2 minutes.
I suffered from scoliosis (s-shaped backbone) and chronic migraine.
Now I share my knowledge of training parkour as an adult for 10 years with others.
Any adult person can learn parkour fundamentals within 10 hours.
No prior knowledge required. Basic fitness is helpful but not mandatory either.
Have you been training or practicing
- jogging
- yoga
- strength training
- martial arts
- basketball
- ballet etc. ?
Then it’s even easier. Learning parkour will be a breeze for you.
We learn fundamental parkour techniques like:
- landing (to kong, roll and stick)
- rolling
- jumping
- monkey (kong)
- cat balance
- lazy vault
- speed vault
- scaling walls (wall run + wall pop up)
- underbar
- gate vault
- brachiating
- strides
- tic tac
- cat leap etc.
Most obstacles can already be efficiently and elegantly overcome using those.
Overcome your fears!
We learn to deal with fear. How?
We learn to overcome common fear types like fear of:
- “looking stupid”
- heights
- pain
- falling
- injuries
These fears are not necessary to do parkour.
We learn to assess risks without involving any type of fear.
We also learn
- to be self confident and to assess how far, down and up we can go
- parkour vision (that is the “obstacles are opportunities” look)
- to use parkour philosophy in daily life and outside of parkour training.
How can I e.g. deal with challenges in day to day life without giving up up front?
Optionally (paid extra) you can have photos taken to be able to track your progress or document your jumps for later.
Intensive parkour course details
Parkour is no team sport, the number of slots is limited to 8.
This way everybody can practice the techniques intensively and often enough. Intensive does not mean “tiresome” btw.
Also women, overweight people, intellectuals and others who don’t trust themselves enough to try things can master parkour.
Those who have two arms and two legs can do it without hassle.
When: Each June, July, August, September, October. On four Sundays, from 10AM until approx. 12:30 PM.
Alternatively on four days in one week (Mo/Tue + Thu/Fri). Just ping me for that!
Afterwards participants will be able to overcome most obstacles on their own.
Where: Outside in public areas (mostly in and around parks) of
- Berlin Kreuzberg (Hans-Böckler Park)
- Neukölln (Campus Rütli, Körner Park)
- Treptow (Treptower Park).
During rain we take shelter.
Who: Adults from 18 to 81 (my father was in his seventies, fit and mastered some of the techniques under my guidance with ease).
Cost: 238 Euro for the whole intensive course (50 per 2.5h session + 9,50 VAT tax.).
Cost: 238 Euro for the whole intensive course (50 per 2.5h session + 9,50 VAT tax.).
Don’t want to train in a group? Personal coaching (for one person): 476 Euro that is 100 Euro per 2.5h session and 19 Euro VAT tax.
You can’t attend on all days or have already previous experience? You can book single sessions/modules as well!
For one to one sessions we can also agree on other times and dates, also four days in a week at different times!
Please register by mail to onreact at Gmail.com. The course is to be paid upfront. Ideally via PayPal to the same address.
Besides that ideally you bring long training gear (e.g. sweatshirt and sweatpants).
To stay on top of your energy also bring a bottle of water and a little snack (like an apple).