• Thank You Ecstatic Dance Berlin Community! You’re the Best!

    Thank you ecstatic dance Berlin community! What for? For saving my life! Literally. You are the best! Here is a list of a selected few I’m most grateful for! How ecstatic dance saved my life It’s true, I have written about how ecstatic dance helped me heal from prolonged illness before.  Yet I feel that…

  • YoPaDa or How the Flow Method Started

    For over six months I was very sick by my standards. I could not do much of anything anymore. So I had to come up with new ways of dealing with reality. While at it I combined yoga, parkour and ecstatic dance techniques to what amounts to the new “Dancing with the Walls” YoPaDa approach.…

  • Is Parkour Dangerous or Good for Your Health?

    Nobody would tell people how stupid and dangerous climbing mountains is these days. Yet just a century ago it was only done by a select few daredevils. Why do so many people think parkour is dangerous then? Is it really? Or rather good your health?