• How Yopada Helps You

    You may have a vague idea what the yopada approach is about by now.  Yes, the “dancing with the walls” subheading is somewhat self-explanatory. Also the yo as in yoga, pa as in parkour and da as in (ecstatic) dance abbreviation gives you a glimpse into the main influences that formed it. Yet how does…

  • Thank You Ecstatic Dance Berlin Community! You’re the Best!

    Thank you ecstatic dance Berlin community! What for? For saving my life! Literally. You are the best! Here is a list of a selected few I’m most grateful for! How ecstatic dance saved my life It’s true, I have written about how ecstatic dance helped me heal from prolonged illness before.  Yet I feel that…

  • How to Embrace Challenges Using the Yopada Approach

    Let’s be honest. I shunned adversity like everybody else. Even despite a dozen years of parkour training and running this site called obstacle.love for 6 years. No, I still didn’t embrace challenges in general. It’s only after I discovered the YoPaDa approach – a mix of yoga, parkour and (ecstatic or conscious) dance techniques! Now…

  • YoPaDa or How the Flow Method Started

    For over six months I was very sick by my standards. I could not do much of anything anymore. So I had to come up with new ways of dealing with reality. While at it I combined yoga, parkour and ecstatic dance techniques to what amounts to the new “Dancing with the Walls” YoPaDa approach.…

  • How to Stay Calm When Facing Uncertainty

    When you lose your job, separate from your partner or simply get sick you may experience a lot of potential fears. I want to explain how to become fearless in times of uncertainty.

  • Find Your Own Path

    Most of us just follow the path others have paved before us: parents, teachers, advertisers, politicians, priests. We often attempt to go the way of least resistance. Yet sooner or later we will encounter obstacles on our path anyway. You grow physically and mentally with the obstacles you overcome. You become stronger and more resilient.…